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In Confirmation we receive the grace we need to enable us to grow and mature in our Catholic faith. Confirmation is sometimes called the “perfection of baptism” because it binds us more closely to the Church and gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit so that we may become true witnesses to Christ and the Gospel in the world.

The Catholic Parishes of the Valley practice the Restored Order of the Sacraments of Initiation.  How a child achieves this is by preparing and experiencing their First Confession in the second grade then moves on to prepare and receive both their Confirmation and First Holy Communion in the third. All children in 4th grade or older who have not received Confirmation and/or First Holy Communion will be placed in the appropriate Sacramental Preparation class.

The Restored Order

The Archdiocese of Denver is in the process of restoring the order of the Sacraments of Initiation. These three sacraments are originally intended to be received in this order: Baptism, Confirmation then Holy Eucharist. The sacrament that fully initiates a person into the Catholic Church is Holy Eucharist (First Communion).

To watch a video about the Restored Order and to read the Pastoral Letter “Saints Among Us” from Archbishop Aquila below.

The Restored Order

If you are an adult, 18 years or older, wanting to receive Confirmation, please visit our RCIA page.

Becoming Catholic

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Questions about Confirmation?

St. Clare of Assisi & St. Mary

Deacon Gelasio Velasco

St. Patrick

Maria Piliero